Friday, August 12, 2011

What the heat does...

Let's talk about what the heat does to spoiled A/C loving people like me:

1. It makes me grumpy

2. When I walk up to my truck after work it takes at least 10 minutes to get airflow enough to cool it down just to get into it. The door handles and seat belts are now branding irons.

3. Those flimsy sun screens don't help much.

4. I can now finish a bottle of water in 2.5 seconds.

5. My eyeballs burn the entire ride home. Its like the fluid inside my eyes is boiling.

6. Heat rash in places your momma told you not to talk about.

I should try this stuff.

7. The dogs think it's cruel and unusual that you would send them out in the blazing sun to potty.

8. Your phone gets so hot it might burn your face during a conversation.

I don't own an iPhone but I wish mine had this warning.

9. You develope a case of swamp foot just walking to the mailbox.

10. Hot water comes out of both sides of the faucet.

Hey God! If you're listening, it's gettin kinda hot down here. The Devil went back down to hell to cool off.

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