Thursday, October 14, 2010

More rules to live by

When I started this blog I gave the beginning of my list of rules to live by. I figure I should add more just because I feel like it. Ha. I don't remember what number I was on so I'll just wing it.

13. When you make a mistake, don't try to cover it up. Own up to it and be ready for the consequences. (This is something I tell all of the new people I train at work. Its just not worth it for the boss to find out after the fact and you try to cover it up and get in more trouble)

14. You reap what you sow. This is one that I try my very very hardest at. I try to be a good friend, a good co-worker, a good girlfriend. I never intentionally try to hurt someone and I give my very best to them as much as I possibly can.

15. In the words of Ruthie Foster....Getting back up is harder than the fall. Yep...that pretty much sums up life's little stumbles, falls and crashes.

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