Saturday, August 28, 2010

Clear for take off

I am here at work on a slow day *knock on wood* and I am listening to the live feed from the Georgetown Municipal Airport so I can hear my awesomely brilliant boyfriend take off. I am so excited for him because he is working towards his private pilot's license. I can't wait to fly with him. I am sure it will be one of the most exciting things I have had the privilege of doing in my lifetime. Of course, I worry a lot more than I should especially since I have been seeing so many airplane accidents in the past few months. I just have to keep reminding myself that he is completely capable and brilliant in learning. His trainer even told me that he is one of the best students he has taught and I believe him. So, if I brag too much its only because of how proud I am and because I love him so much.

Here is a video I took on my phone of his first solo flight landing. I got a little "misty" watching him do it like a pro.

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