Sunday, July 10, 2011

Longest week ever

I am not built to function like some of my coworkers. They are ok with giving up days off to work overtime or they work double shifts and seem to function perfectly fine. I am not like them.

Indulge my need to pout. To make a long story short I have been at work too many days in a row and I am training a new dispatcher. Altogether, 15 days working with 1 day off somewhere in there. Russel says I shouldn't think of it that way. LOL. It feels that way right now. Schedules like this completely mess up what you accomplished by going on vacation in the first place. By day 14 you feel like "Animal" from the Muppets.

People start asking you why you are so short-fused. Then when you explain to them they insultingly say,"Aww poor baby can't handle working a few extra days?" Hey butthead! You are the one who asked why I am grumpy. I explained it. And by the way, no I don't like working a few extra days. I prefer to enjoy my life AWAY from work.

That's the story for this week, and last week too. So, on my days off I want to accomplish a few things like sleeping late, taking some pictures, and working on a project I've been neglecting.

Thanks for reading and listening to my whiney butt. It helps.

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