Monday, January 24, 2011

I can't wait!!!!!

We're going to see Rush in concert!!!!!!!

I have to admit I am fairly new Rush fan. I had heard everything about this band and it wasn't very good. Things like, "Eww. No thanks." "Nerd band" "He sounds like a girl" So, when Russel said one of his favorite bands was Rush I remembered the reviews I had heard in the past. I knew I had heard some of their songs on the radio but I was lazy in expanding the diversity of my music. I asked him to let me take them for a test drive and he gave me some CDs to try. Then we went to the Drafthouse to watch Rush:Beyond the Lighted Stage. I really started enjoying their music.

Russel was also kind enough to lend me a book that he mentioned when we first started dating. It was written by the drummer Neil Peart after his wife and daughter passed away and how he simply got out on his motorcycle and rode. It was an awesome book. I would suggest it to anyone. Here is the link from Amazon: Ghost Rider. I moved on to the next book called Roadshow. I really started to like his writing style. Then I went back and started reading Traveling Music and I have been trying to get through that for a few months now. I just haven't had the time to read much since I have been spending a lot of time with my camera.

So, now that I have been swept up by the "nerd band" with a lead singer who, "sounds like a girl" I am completely excited about seeing them in concert. I didn't know what I was missing.

And of course I have to list my favorite songs:
1. Presto
2. Workin' Them Angels
3. The Spirit of Radio
4. Subdivisions
5. The Working Man
6. Marathon
7. Tom Sawyer
8. Time Stand Still
9. Freewill
10. YYZ

I can't wait to hear them in person. I am even more excited than I was about going to see Journey in concert and that's saying a lot.

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