Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Heavens...Take 1!....and Action!

My new goal is to get an outstanding picture of the Milky Way.

Last night was the Geminid Meteor Shower. Russel helped me set up his tracking mount for his telescope so I could try to piggy-back my sister's camera and getting the phenomenal shot of the Milky Way. FAIL!!!!!

Yeah my first attempt was pretty bad. And of course when I am around something will either get broken or scratched or not work. Two out of three of those things happened. I am hoping my next attempt will be better. I was so excited because the previews in the viewfinder of the camera were turning out really nice. When the pictures were downloaded they were out of focus and I was so entirely disappointed. I don't think the camera settings were right and I didn't double check the focus before shooting away about 5 gigs of memory.

There were some great things that happened last night so it wasn't a complete fail. I got to hang out with a really cool guy and watch "falling stars" all night. That really cool guy made me hot chocolate with marshmellows on top when it was pretty darn cold outside. Really, even though the pictures turned out crappy, I had a great night. Thank you Russel, your patience sometimes amazes me.

Here is the salvaged first attempt. The streak at the bottom is an airplane trail. I didn't capture any of the meteors....but maybe next time.

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