It may just be my perception but work has really picked up in the past few months. I feel like we are on a perpetual full moon cycle or something.
It could be that I am on the Monday-Friday rotation at work and having a full week of non-stop phone calls and radio calls is very trying. When I have my days off during the week things slow down a bit on the weekend so you have at least one day of sanity during working hours.
I am wishing I had more time off to take pictures. I feel like I am neglecting my awesome camera. I also feel like I am neglecting my Fraggles. I miss them while I am here at work.
While I am at work we have two big TV screens always on the news. So, I get to hear everything about gas prices going up, Libya and various countries going bat-shit crazy, and other non-newsworthy stories which should be on Jerry Springer instead of on CNN or Fox News. For instance, the food tax, fat kids, fat teenagers, fat adults, and how the government telling us what is good and bad for our health. The news just isn't reliable anymore and it is more political opinion than true facts. Everything is geared to present fear inside the hearts and minds of Americans with "Chicken Little Syndrome." ...and it's working.
Since I am on the topic of fat people articles I have to tell you about this. I have been submitting photos for challenges on a particular website for a few months now. Most of the topics for the challenges are landscapes, colorful photos, birds, animals, people and that sort of thing. One of the recent topics was titled "Fat" so, I checked it out and I really believe that the person who submitted the topic had their heart in the right place. The rules included a description of the topic including show how beautiful fat can be. My initial thought was "Right on!!!!" You don't have to be a size 2 to be beautiful. So, I clicked to view the images already submitted and I found things like this:
Now, anytime the national news runs a story on being fat they show stock footage usually of fat people walking away from the camera from the waist down. So what you see while the cute and fuzzy size 2 bunny is reporting on how fat the U.S. has become you get a nice look at fat asses walking down the street. Even better if they have a McDonalds cup in their hand. This is what these submissions reminded me of. People completely lost the point of this challenge. Way to go future photographers!